International Conference on Industry 4.0 for
Agri-food Supply Chains: Addressing
Socio-economic and Environmental
Challenges in Ukraine
24-25 July 2023
Keynote Speakers
Monday 24 July 2023

Professor Louise Manning, University of Lincoln
Louise Manning is Professor of Sustainable Agri-food Systems at the Lincoln Institute for Agri-food Technology, University of Lincoln. Louise has worked for over 35 years undertaking consultancy and research to inform policy, business productivity and efficiency and personal development in the agri-food sector. Her research and consultancy expertise lies in food integrity including food safety and quality, food crime, food waste management, food governance, social and corporate responsibility. Louise brings a strong background in developing professional development programmes and executive education, applied research, and promoting innovation. She has published over 100 peer-reviewed papers and also written and edited multiple books and book chapters. Her recent work focuses specifically on traceability, transparency, ethical issues of data and the increasing digitisation of food supply.

Professor Samir Dani, Professor of Operations and Supply Chain Management, Keele Business School
Samir Dani is Deputy Director of Keele Business School, Deputy Director of Digital Society Institute Keele University, and Professor of Operations and Supply Chain Management. In his prior positions at Keele, he was the Interim Director of Keele Business School, and Head of Group. Samir’s research interests include Supply Chain and Logistics Management (Risk, Resilience, Digital Transformation, and Sustainability), Food Supply Chains and Logistics, Technology and Business Models. Samir publishes his work in world leading journals, book chapters, and reports. He regularly presents at international conferences. Samir has written two books in the field of supply chain management, one specifically on food supply chains, and the other on supply chain strategy. His book, ‘Food Supply Chain Management and Logistics: from farm to fork’ received the ‘Prix des Associations’ award at the 12th Annual Procurement ‘Plumes des Achats’ awards in Paris (2015).Samir has received research funding from EPSRC (First Grant, INTERACT call 5), IMCRC, KTP, and other sources. He led the academic work package in the £5 million Leeds City region- LEP Supply Chain growth project supporting the development of supply chain and digital audit tools for SME engagement. Samir works closely with industry and is currently leading a KTP with a SME to develop new innovative products for their portfolio using lean techniques. His expertise is sought by media (TV, radio, and newspapers) and he is regularly invited to present to industry practitioners.

Professor Wayne Martindale, University of Lincoln
Wayne holds the post of Associate Professor leading the Food Insights and Sustainability Group at the National Centre for Food Manufacturing, UK where he directs a team of researchers delivering applied food system research. Wayne had a non-conventional career route via a Ford Motor Company manufacturing scholarship to post-doctoral biochemistry in really nice places such as Florida, Indiana and Japan, but he quickly found a place at Levington Agriculture in Suffolk working with our fertiliser industries which has led to career teaching and researching the food system. Wayne has built an applied research portfolio for global food security with an international group of researchers, leading innovative teaching for food defence and sustainability that connects innovation with the behaviours we will need in our Industry 4.0 to 5.0 transition, and his CSIRO McMaster and OECD Cooperative Research Fellowships are recognition of this. Wayne is a Principal Investigator for the Made Smarter S3 Project with Raynor Foods Ltd, Lettus Grow Ltd and IFM University of Cambridge, and the Greater Lincolnshire LEP Electric Vehicles Project for the UK seafood sector. Notable research outcomes delivered include co-leading the first carbon footprint certification of a meat free brand in 2012, co-leading the first sustainability assessments of frozen food brands in 2015 and leading the first publicly reported integration of carbon zero technologies in food manufacturing in 2021. Wayne is a trustee and Honorary Secretary for the Institute of Food Science and Technology as well as a scientist mentor for the Social Mobility Foundation.
Tuesday 25 July 2023

Professor Michael Bourlakis, Cranfield University
Professor Michael Bourlakis holds the Chair in Logistics and Supply Chain Management. He is also the Director of Research and Head of the Logistics, Procurement and Supply Chain Management Group at Cranfield School of Management. Michael is an internationally renowned and established authority in logistics and supply chain management specialising in food and retail supply chains, sustainable supply chains and digital supply chains. He has been very successful in winning substantial external funding. Specifically, he has won 40 research and consulting projects (as PI or Co-I) totalling more than £35 million (total allocated project funding) from various bodies including BBSRC, EPSRC, Food Standards Agency, EU [FPVI, FPVII], Horizon 2020, Horizon Europe, Marie SkÅ‚odowska-Curie, local Regional Development Agencies and private companies. Professor Michael Bourlakis has generated 80 journal papers and 5 edited books. He sits on the Editorial Board of 17 journals, has been a Co-Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Logistics: Research & Applications and has also acted as the Guest Editor for journal special issues on 14 occasions. His multidisciplinary research work and impactful thought leadership has received considerable attention by media (BBC News, ITV News, Sky News, BBC Radio 4 Today, The Guardian, The Independent, The Times, Wall Street Journal etc.). He has worked with numerous multinational organisations (e.g. Carrefour, DHL, Knight Frank, Metro, Sonae etc.). From 2017-2019, he was an Expert Panel Member for TESCO on a “Future of Food Advisory Panel” – this Panel was chaired by TESCO’s previous CEO Dave Lewis. In 2018/19, he acted as an Expert for the UK Government / DEFRA in relation to the “Impact of Brexit on Food Supply Chains”. He has also been a REF2021 Panel for Business and Management Studies (UoA 17) and he was the first appointed REF Panel Member for the “Logistics, Supply Chain Management and Operations Management” scientific field.

Professor Liudmyla Chip, Poltava State Agrarian University
Professor Liudmyla Chip is Associate Professor of Accounting and Taxation. She teaches the subject "Agribusiness in a Global Environment" at Poltava State Agrarian University. Liudmyla is responsible for work with scientific patents at the department of Accounting and Finance. She has six patents in Ukraine for utility models. Liudmyla's research interests are related to the study of increasing the economic sustainability of agricultural enterprises under the market conditions of Ukraine. Her scientific interests include effective agribusiness (sustainability, risk, financial stability, diversification), macroeconomic conditions of the agricultural market, formation of competitive agricultural sector at the micro and macro levels, food supply chains, international economic integration of agribusiness, and prospects for macroeconomic development of the agricultural sector. Liudmyla publishes her works in Ukrainian scientific publications with her work also appearing on the Scopus platform and Web of Science. She also takes part in international conferences and publishes monographs. For several years, Liudmyla has been a member of the Ukrainian Club of Agrarian Business (UCAB), where scientific and practical interest is focused on food supply chains, technology, logistics and the integration processes of Ukraine agribusiness under conditions of war. She is an expert-advisor to agricultural producers and provides scientific consulting to enterprises. The theme of scientific consulting for 2022-2023 is "Scientific justification for improving the methodology for accounting and calculating the cost of agricultural production and the development of forms of management reporting of enterprises".
Liudmyla took part in the international educational projects of Poland (Academy WSB Dombrova Gurnicha), and the USA - Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL).

Professor Olena Kopishynska, Poltava State Agrarian University
Professor Olena Kopishynska holds a PhD in physical and mathematical sciences and is an Associate Professor of the Department of Information Systems and Technologies of Poltava State Agrarian University. She teaches the disciplines "Information systems", "Information systems in Agronomy", "IT project management", as well as "Web Technologies and Web Design". Olena Kopishynska is responsible for methodological work and ensuring the quality of higher education in the preparation of students majoring in information systems and technologies at the bachelor's and master's levels at the university.
Her scientific interests are related to information systems in agrarian business, management of information systems implementation projects. Professor Olena Kopishynska co-authored 5 textbooks and 2 monographs. She has 15 publications in scientific and metric databases Scopus and 8 in Web of Science, more than 120 scientific publications.
Over the past 7 years, together with colleagues at the Department, she systematically worked on the issues of establishing trilateral cooperation between the university, leading IT companies - software developers, and agricultural enterprises. She advises territorial communities on the implementation of modern information systems and digital technologies in management and production activities. For many years, she has been an expert-consultant of agricultural enterprises under the regional program "Supporting the activities of agricultural enterprises by means of advanced information systems and technologies." The topic of scientific consulting during 2021-2023 was "Creation of a unified information space in the management of territorial communities on the platform of modern ERP systems." Consulting is carried out in the form of scientific and practical seminars, webinars, regional exhibitions.
She has been a member of the Public Organization "Poltava Regional Agricultural Advisory Service" for more than 10 years. Since 2020, a member of the international organization The International Institute of Informatics and Systemics (IIIS), and delivers reports at international conferences and symposia.