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This is a free conference.


Conference organizers will cover conference fees, travel, subsistence at the venue, and accommodation of accepted abstracts and posters based on the order of pre-registration until funding is exhausted.


Free virtual participation will be offered to those not able to attend in person.


Information on how to submit abstracts and posters will be emailed to participants. Extended abstracts (one page maximum) will be requested for oral presentations (10 minutes + 5 minutes for Q & A). Participants will have up to one year following the conference to submit full papers to affiliated journals (special issues).


Each registered participant is entitled to submit one abstract or one poster to present at the conference. 


Registration includes: access to conference (both days); certificate of participation.


This event is open to academics from the global community.

Please pre-register on Eventbrite.

International Conference on Industry 4.0 for Agri-Food Supply Chains: Addressing Socio-Economic and Environmental Challenges in Ukraine


Images: Pixabay

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